XposeCraft  1.0.1-rc1
Developer API
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 CSerializableDictionary1Represents a generic collection of key/value pairs
 CSerializableDictionary2Represents a generic collection of key/value pairs
 CSerializableDictionary3Represents a generic collection of key/value pairs
 CArgumentsDescription of a Game Event occurrence
 CBotRunnerConfiguration for running your Bot
 CBotScriptCommon parent class for custom robot scripts, which adds hot-swap functionality
 CGameEventEvent registered in the game system of events, triggering its anonymous function on GameEventType game event occurrence
 CPathPath between two Positions that uses pathfinding mainly for length comparison purposes
 CPositionMap position defined by X and Y coordinates
 CPlayerData structures that make up the Model of a Player used within a game
 CDictionaryDrawerTo use, inherit this generic class to a non-generic version (no need to be public) and annotate [CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(MyDictionary))] where MyDictionary is the name of non-generic dictionary
 CBuildProjectUnity cannot build a project with specific scenes directly from the console without a helper method like this
 CMenuItemsPlayer's interface with the Game